Friday, January 30, 2009

McKay's Karate Advancement

McKay tested for his green belt this week. We were very proud of him! The first picture if of McKay at the test performing his form. The test is very stressful and McKay was very nervous. He did great and the test instructor said he is doing great and has a lot of potential. The second picture if of the belt ceremony. His instructor puts his new belt on him. His old belt is then tied by his other instructor and placed on his head (third picture). We are so proud of McKay and how hard he has been working in Karate.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Incredible Nation

I wasn't planning on watching the inauguration this morning. But as I did, I felt a deep appreciation of the country that I live in. That I was able to participate in the democratic process of choosing a new president (even though my candidate of choice didn't win), and then witness the voice of the people being carried out in a peaceful and respectful manor.
I am sad to see the end of the George W. Bush era. I thought he was a great president and I firmly believe that all he did was what he thought was in the best interest of our country. I thought he, and his wife and family, were amazing people. I was there, in Washington DC, 8 years ago when George W. Bush took office. I was at the inaugural ball held later that night (I took coats and made friends with the secret service agents). I was able to see Dick Cheney dance with his wife, and then George W. Bush dance with his wife and his daughters. It was an amazing experience and since that day, I have been a Bush supporter. I was proud to see him go today. I believe what he said that history will prove him to be a great president.
With that being said, it is time to put my support behind a new president. I thought President Obama's speech was great. He recognizes the trouble our country is in and recognized that it will not be a quick fix. I hope people truly listen to him and all that he said. I hope there are still great things in store for our country and I pray that our new leader will be a man of God and do all in his power that is right and good for out nation. I will miss you George W. Bush, welcome to office President Obama.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A to Z Tag

I had my first official tag from my friend Lisa. I hope that I do it right. Here is my attempt:
All you need to know about me from A to Z!

A--Attached or Single: Attached to Jeremy. It will be 14 years in June
B--Best Friend: Jeremy, my sisters and a bunch of women folk
C--Cake or Pie: Pie a la mode
D--Day of Choice: Friday
E--Essential Item: baby wipes (Did you know they work well on spills on your clothes?)
F--Favorite Color: blue
G--Greatest Accomplishment: Being a wife and mom, I am proud of my college degree (that I don’t use)
H--Hometown: Orem, Utah
I--Indulgences: pedicures, bake goods
J--January or July: July (it’s my birthday in July)
K--Kids: 4 boys
L--Life is incomplete without: My husband and kids (DVR is great too)
M--Marriage Date: June 29, 1995
N--Number of Siblings: 3 (two sisters, one brother)
O--Oranges or Apples: Apples (caramel is good, along with chocolate)
P--Phobias or fears: something bad happening to one of my kids or to my husband
Q--Quotes: "In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured." (Gordon B. Hinckley) That was my friend’s favorite quote and it is a good one.
R--Reasons to Smile: laughing kids, date night, clean house (especially when I wasn’t the one that cleaned it)
S--Season: Fall—I get excited for BYU football and the temperature is always perfect in the fall
T--Tag 5 Friends: Anyone who wants to play (Juli, Lori,—I’m not sure who reads my blog!)
U--Unknown fact about me: My pinky is deformed as it was cut off in a door when I was 2 or 3
V--Very favorite store: I like Costco (who doesn’t), Target, J Jill and Chicos
W--Worst habit: I hate dusting
X--X-ray or Ultra Sound: both can be good, both can be bad. I’ve had tears with both
Y--Your favorite food: Anything I don’t have to cook. I love CafĂ© Rio—wait, I Just love eating out.
Z--Zodiac: Leo

**Did you learn anything new?
**Will you play?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ride The Alligator???

Josh loves going to the library. When I told him today that we were going, he immediately asked, "Can we ride the alligator?" I could not, for the life of me, figure out what on earth he was talking about--until we arrived to the library and informed Josh that we needed to go upstairs. He said, "Let's ride the alligator!!" It was then that I realized that "alligator" is "elevator". I had a nice chuckle.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Furious George

Josh loves Curious George, but he can't quite get his name right. It usually comes out something like this: "Mom, can I watch Furious George?" or "Mom, where is Furious George? I want to sleep with him tonight." I, myself, also like "Furious George" but I sure hope he gets his temper under control!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Things the New Year Brings

We are well into the new year and the kids are back at school. We had our first homework war of the year on Monday. I hated homework as a kid, now I hate it just as much. I enjoyed not having to do homework during the holidays. So this is one thing the new year has brought.
The second is the banishment of treats. I found two leftover boxes of homemade chocolates on my counter on Sunday. I haven't had any. I was so horrible over the holidays and my Wii Fit has confirmed that I am "overweight". Needless to say, I haven't had any sugar for three days.
The third is obvious because of the second. I have made my way back to the treadmill. I run two miles everyday. I strategically place bean bags and cushions around the treadmill so my crawling one year old won't get hurt. This morning, however, one of my carefully place cushions was knocked onto my treadmill by my playful four year old, which tripped me, resulting in treadmill burns on my legs and a sore hip and back. So the new year has brought pain.
These are just three of the obvious things that the new year has brought. I look at them now and they all sound negative. The truth is this: First- my kids are smart and normal. I would worry if they LOVED homework. Second- treats aren't bad, just too many of them are. And third- I enjoy running and am looking forward to warmer weather so I can run outside. I plan on running a 5k in June. So bring it on! What else is in store for the White House?

* I have a friend that always posts questions at the bottom of her blog. I am going to occasionally copy her.
** What are your New Years resolutions? Are you keeping them?