Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Found This Gem

School is out and I made the boys deep clean their rooms and  get rid of junk and garbage.  While helping Jaxon, I found this gem in his drawer.  Let's just say I tucked it away in my pocket without his knowledge.  It is of course addressed to Spanish.

Monday, June 12, 2017

EFY 2017

Jaxon and McKay were both able to enjoy a week at EFY down on BYU campus this year.  They went on separate weeks this year but were both able to have their buddies as roommates.

Jake and Jaxon

Parker and McKay

It was a great way to start the summer!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Ward Camp Out

We started out the summer with a ward camp out.  We had a great time with our friends and ward members, but it is early in the summer and it was cold!

 I slept in between Josh (front) and Kayden (top) with my head buried in my sleeping bag (middle).   Yes, I am in this photo, but you can't see me.  I didn't get much sleep until Jeremy got up to cook breakfast and threw his sleeping bag on top of me.  I finally got warm enough to sleep, just in time to get up.

Jaxon went hammocking with his buddies.  He slept out under the stars in his sleeping bag and hammock.  He had a heavy duty sleeping bag and stayed plenty warm.

That was enough camping to last me until next summer....when we can camp in warmer temperatures!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Baseball Champions!

It was a very exciting baseball season this year.  I enjoyed going to watch my boys play and have some fun.  This year's season baseball tournament did not disappoint.  Both boys won their division championship!

Kayden's team entered the tournament as the sixth seat and went all the way to the championship and then won!

 Kayden receiving his 1st place trophy from his coach.


 The 2017 Champion team The Reds.

 Champions have to be silly too.  Let's just say they were slightly excited and hyper!

To celebrate their post season success, the team's coach took the whole team to a Bees Baseball game up in Salt Lake.  They had a great time together as a team.

The last two games in the tournament were quite exciting.  Josh was so nervous!  But his last time up to back in the championship game he knocked it clear out to center field and got a double hit.  He also got an RBI.  (Video credit to the mom who's boy was on third base.  And yes, that is me yelling really loud.)

 The 2017 Championship team The Cubs.

 The boys all lined up after the game and the coaches said something to each player.  The trophies were accidentally locked up with no key to be had that night so they were awarded their trophies at the team party.

This is what he had to say about Josh.

 Josh's team had a chant that they performed before and after each game.  This was the last time they performed it after the championship game.

At the team party, parents were invited and we had pizza, the boys were awarded their trophies and then we had a nice mild game of baseball.  The team vs. the team moms.

 Josh receiving his championship trophy from his coach.

 Team of Champions

The "Mom Team".  We did pretty well if I do say so myself.  I was just glad that I hit the ball every time I got up to bat.  We had a good time.

Since the moms rocked and playing baseball, we decided to try our hand doing the team chant. 

 I am so proud of both my boys and enjoyed watching them play and win this season!  I also appreciate their coaches and all that they did to help my boys improve their game and also to help them have a love for the game.