I love teacher appreciation week. When I was a teacher I loved it and want to pass it on. This is the third year that I have participated in the week's festivities by being on the PTA Teacher Appreciation committee. Out theme this year was "We Think The World of Our Teachers!" It was a travel theme. We had some great things planned out for this year: First we made sure that each teacher's door was decorated for the week.
This is Jaxon's first grade teacher's door, Mr. Engles
This is McKay's computer teacher's door, Mr. Moffitt
We started off the week by showing up to the faculty meeting that is held on Monday afternoons after early dismissal. We made smoothies and had little umbrellas in each one. We also had some fantastic giant sugar cookies, made by my friend Jessica Lund, that were in the shapes of a palm tree or a pineapple. We decorated the table with cute balloons and leis that the teachers got to wear. We started door drawings that afternoon. We had enough prizes so each teacher would win one, thanks to local businesses and parents who donated fantastic prizes. We drew 13 names the first day. We also placed in each teacher's mail box two pieces of See's Candies and had a note that said, "We travels the Seven "See's" and found no teachers better than you!"
The table we had all set up for the kick off.
We put Crystal Light that was in a cute bag in their mailboxes and had a note that said, "It's crystal clear we have the best teachers!" We drew 12 more names for door prizes after school.
We showed up at the school extra early and made breakfast burritos for the teachers. They were tasty! Then we put Chiclets Gum in their mailboxes with a note that said something like, "We "chews" to appreciate our teachers." (I can't remember this one for sure.) We drew more names for the door prizes after school.
Breakfast was a Mexican theme with tasty breakfast burritos.
We made an Italian lunch for all the staff. Parents brought in a lot of salads, pasta dishes and desserts. We decorated with cute travel stuff. We put a bag of thank you cards in each of the teachers' mailboxes with a note saying thank you in several languages. We drew the rest of the teacher's names for door prizes. The luncheon for the teachers:

We put chocolate dipped fortune cookies in the teachers' mailboxes. We placed the fortune cookies in a Chinese take out box that had "thank you" written on it. We went to the school and displayed all the extra door prizes and allowed the teachers to enter their names for the chance at winning another prize.
It was a great week! They teachers were so excited about the daily give-a-ways they received and about the door prizes. They all told us thank you through out the week. One teacher, the music teacher Mrs. Miller, gave each a nice gift to show us her appreciation.

She has written out, in calligraphy, The Proclamation on the Family with our family's name on it. It is beautiful and I can't wait to get it framed and up on my wall. What a successful week!