We have been having cat trouble over the last few weeks. At first, a cat was entering our garage through our outer dog door to get to our dog's food that we store there. Suki (our dog) discovered the cat and had a fit! She barked and barked and chased that cat clean off our property. We thought that Suki had taught the cat a lesson and that it would not be back. We were wrong. It kept coming in the garage and scratching at Suki's dog food bag until she could get it open. So I put the dog food up so the cat could not get it. Surely the cat won't come back now. Again, I was wrong. Since the cat couldn't find food in the garage, it decided to come in through the house dog door to check things out. No cat is welcome in my house. Especially this cat. It was mean! Suki chased the cat out each time the cat came in. Suki thought this was great fun! This dumb cat kept coming in the house uninvited so I thought it was time to take some action. I tried to get the boys to trap it with a blanket, but they didn't have proper cat trapping abilities so the cat ran back out of the house with Suki on it's tail. The next time it showed up, I trapped it in the garage. Jeremy and Jaxon decided to try and teach the cat a lesson. They sprayed the cat with water and shot at it a few times with Jaxon's air soft guns. Surely the cat won't come around again. Wrong. Again. We were just about to start getting ready for school a couple of mornings ago when that darn cat waltzed right into the house. It stood in the hall meowing at us like it belonged there and we didn't. I had enough. I trapped the cat in the garage again and called animal control--who referred me to my local police department. The police told me that they would not come pick up the cat until it was trapped and in a box or cage. I had neither so I put in a call to my dear friends and neighbors. My good friend lovingly volunteered her husband to trap the cat and sent him over with a dog carrier. I thought it was going to be trouble trying to get the cat since in the carrier it was so mean, but my neighbor caught it in no time. My hero!
Dumb cat. I tried to let it know it wasn't welcome at our house. Once the cat was trapped, Suki took it upon herself to guard the cage to make sure that cat wasn't going anywhere! She stared that cat down hard! The police were able to come and take the cat and my cat troubles away.
**Now, I know what probably became of this cat and it does make me sad. But what was I to do? It was a mean cat and was trespassing! I just don't want any blog readers to think I am an animal hater.