Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Incredible Nation

I wasn't planning on watching the inauguration this morning. But as I did, I felt a deep appreciation of the country that I live in. That I was able to participate in the democratic process of choosing a new president (even though my candidate of choice didn't win), and then witness the voice of the people being carried out in a peaceful and respectful manor.
I am sad to see the end of the George W. Bush era. I thought he was a great president and I firmly believe that all he did was what he thought was in the best interest of our country. I thought he, and his wife and family, were amazing people. I was there, in Washington DC, 8 years ago when George W. Bush took office. I was at the inaugural ball held later that night (I took coats and made friends with the secret service agents). I was able to see Dick Cheney dance with his wife, and then George W. Bush dance with his wife and his daughters. It was an amazing experience and since that day, I have been a Bush supporter. I was proud to see him go today. I believe what he said that history will prove him to be a great president.
With that being said, it is time to put my support behind a new president. I thought President Obama's speech was great. He recognizes the trouble our country is in and recognized that it will not be a quick fix. I hope people truly listen to him and all that he said. I hope there are still great things in store for our country and I pray that our new leader will be a man of God and do all in his power that is right and good for out nation. I will miss you George W. Bush, welcome to office President Obama.


  1. This was a great post... I love the picture you posted! I'm sure you've told me before that you were at the Inauguration in 2001, but I had forgotten. What a great experience!

  2. I think we are on the same wave length. I am just about to blog about this amazing day as well. I just feel like I have witnessed history! How cool you got to be there in 2001, how did you score that?

  3. I couldn't agree with you more on everything you said.
