Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Backpacking Adventure

Jeremy decided to take all four boys backpacking this summer for three days.  I wasn't officially invited until the morning of when Kayden decided he would miss me.  I thought about it for about a half second and decided backpacking in the back country with no bathrooms was not my kind of adventure.  Jeremy gave Kayden his own pocket knife for the trip and suddenly mom was a second thought and they were off.  They had a great weekend and I enjoyed staying home getting things done and spending time with my sister, niece and nephew who were in town from Houston.

On the way to the Uintas,  they stopped and took a short walk to the Provo Falls.  

On the trail.  Josh and Kayden were surprised to still see snow in June!  (We had a horrible snow pack this year.)

Camp life.

 They took a hike up to "The Saddle".  It was a beautiful view.

 A dad and his boys.  They had a great time making memories together.

 They even did some cliff jumping.

 They did some playing around with taking videos of them jumping in slow motion.  They happen to catch Kayden doing a nice face-plant.  They all thought it was quite funny.

All four of the boys jumping in all at once.  McKay's pose was just too good to not include.

When they got home they were glad to see me.  However, they said that they mentioned several times at camp that it was a good thing that I wasn't there and that I would have never let them do several of the things that dad let them do.  I am glad they had a good time together--even doing the things that I would have never allowed!

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