Monday, February 7, 2011

Jaxon's Story Telling

I have learned that Jaxon is a different kid at school than he is at home. In third grade this year they did a story telling unit. Jaxon wrote and told his own story about three brothers all named Jaxon (all spelled differently of course). The three Jaxons all had the same dream and then somehow got trapped in the clouds and had to find a way home. I had heard his story at home, because I made him practice. Then I heard his story at school and it had changed--a lot.

Here Jaxon is telling his story. His class was eating his story up. He was doing different voices (there was none of that at home), he was doing actions (again, none of that at home), and he was really funny! (His story was a little dry when he told it at home.) I was surprised and shocked. All of the kids in his class were laughing and then looking at me to make sure I was laughing too. He did a great job and I enjoyed his story very much.

Here Jaxon is with his teacher Miss Udy. She tells me that Jaxon is always making her laugh and that at times Jaxon gets laughing so much that he starts to cry. She also says that he is a lot of fun at to have in her class. Jaxon is one great kid! (Try and get him to tell you his story sometime. I just hope you get the version that he told at school.)


  1. I can only imagine how funny that was. Jaxon always make me laugh when he comes over. I'll have to ask him about the three brothers' story.

  2. I agree--Jaxon is a funny guy! I love that school or other activities help uncover hidden talents.

  3. So cute! I can only imagine. :)
