Friday, October 28, 2011

Pinewood Derby

This is our second Pinewood Derby this year, but Jaxon's first derby in our new ward and as a Weblo. We knew the competition was going to be fierce this year. Our ward takes the Pinewood Derby pretty seriously. There was a page full or rules and regulations. We even had to drop off our car the night before so the scout leaders could transport the cars to the church. There were several heats and Jaxon's car did well. In the first heat he took first place twice and second place once. He didn't make it past the second round, but he had a great time and was very complimentary to his fellow competitors. I was proud of him.

This year, because of the season, Jaxon made a candy corn car. His car is the first car from the left. None of the boys were allowed to place their cars on the track or handle their cars until after the race. Then they could race their cars as many times as they would like.

Jaxon won the "Best Candy Cornster" award. It was a successful night!

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