Monday, September 10, 2012

Sleeping In The Rain

I went to the pool with a good friend of mine in late July and we were discussing summer regrets. I told her we had wanted to go camping one more time. That afternoon, she texted me with a couple of available dates to go camping.  We decided to go for it.  So Labor Day weekend we went camping back up to Tinney Flats with a couple of friends.  There was a 20% chance for rain, but with the low amount of rain we had this summer (or didn't have) we weren't worried at all.  We got a few raindrops while in the car on the way there, but no rain at our campsite.  We set up camp and had a great time that night roasting marshmallows and visiting with good friends around the campfire.  We then retired for the night.  I got up that night at 2:30 a.m. (nature was calling and I answered) and noticed the clouds were moving in quite fast.  About an hour later we could hear a spectacular storm rolling across the mountains and then it hit us and we got pounded.  It was a downpour!  The thunder and lightening were quick and loud.  But we were safe and dry inside our tent.  It was quite an eventful night.  I would just start to doze off when another clamp of thunder would hit and the storm would get loud all over again.  Most of the kids slept through it.  Jaxon woke up at one time to express concern, but I couldn't get any closer to him and told him we were quite safe.

Kayden slept through the whole thing (I love that Kayden had buried his head between the two mattresses).  Josh slept through it all as well.  When Josh woke up in the morning, he said, "Hey, it's raining!"  Hum, you just noticed?

McKay said he heard the storm, but he didn't stir during the night and kept sleeping through the morning (teenagers).

The rain let up long enough for us to emerge from our tents to fix and eat some breakfast (courtesy of the Westons).  But before we could get breakfast cleaned up the rain started coming down with no signs of stopping.  It didn't take long for the kids to get soaked.  We had rain gear and umbrellas (that the kids thought were great), but the rain just kept coming.  (Josh is in the yellow rain gear holding an umbrella above.)

Thankfully, the Kimballs brought their canopy and we were able to stay somewhat dry.  

After watching the rain for a while, we decided to clear out our tents so the kids could play cards and games inside.  But the rain kept coming down and things were getting quite wet.  So we decided just to pack up and go home.  The Kimballs were supposed to be in charge of lunch that afternoon, so they invited us all over to their house for lunch that afternoon.  We were in charge of dinner that night so we had everyone over for dinner.  I guess you could call it a progressive camping trip and a most memorable one.

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