McKay dressed up as Napoleon Dynamite for school and I must say, he looked awesome. He made a great Napoleon!
Jaxon, being the Spurs fan that he is, dressed up for school as a Spurs fan for. He wore the hat he won at the beach this summer, along with his sweatshirt. We bought him some Spurs socks and put some temporary tattoos on his cheeks.
Kayden was the Winter Soldier from Captain America.
Josh beefed up his nerd costume from last year. He wore a propeller hat, some buck teeth, had some nerdy pin buttons, a pocket protector as well as taped up glasses.
I love the Halloween parade at the school! We waited in anticipation to see our boys parade on through:
Josh decided to go trick-or-treating with his buddies this year. They all had a good time together. After trick-or-treating, they sorted candy and played some games.
Kayden went trick-or-treating with Mom, Dad, Grandma and Aunt Caprice. He was a boy on a mission. He wanted to skip houses just so he could get the house that served donuts and the house that served hot dogs and hot chocolate.
McKay and Jaxon each did their own thing for Halloween this year. McKay went to a party at a friend's house and Jaxon had a party at our house where they watched The Sixth Sense.
It was a happy Halloween for all!