Saturday, August 22, 2015

Share a Smile Triathlon 2015

Jeremy challenged our family to participate in the Share a Smile Triathlon this year.  We all accepted the challenge!  Josh and Kayden did the whole children's triathlon and McKay, Jaxon and I teamed up to complete a full triathlon.  Jeremy teamed up with some of his staff from the dental office and swam in the triathlon.  It was an early morning, but we were ready!

 Jeremy even had team shirts made up for us.

Josh and Kayden started out our morning.  The both swam one lap in the pool and did a great job.

They then rode their bikes through the trail in the park.

Then they completed the raise by running a lap through the park.

By the time Josh and Kayden were done running their triathlon, the adult triathlon had begun and McKay and Jeremy were in the pool.

Jeremy and McKay trained at the pool a couple of times a week and had some friendly competition and smack talk between the two of them.  Jaxon trained on his bike--a couple of times--and did really well (other than the wrong turn he made).  I trained as well by running a few times a week.  I ran the whole race, but I was disappointed in my time.  Nonetheless, we had a great time participating in the race as a family.

Jeremy's office team did well also.  There were two teams from the office and his team won!  They really brought some team and office spirit to the race:

One of Jeremy's staff drew a picture on Jeremy's back of a shark eating Dr. Gardner's name.  Dr. Gardner is the other dentist that works at Jeremy's office and he did the swimming portion of the race for the other office team.

Jeremy's office team.  They were called the "Aloha Alohas" or in other words the "Hello Goodbyes".  They dressed in Hawaiian wear and had cool headbands.  They even had cow bells they rang throughout the race to cheer each other on.

Everyone from the office and some of the staff's family members that was at the race that morning.

It was a fun morning!

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