Sunday, November 15, 2015

Josh's 11th Birthday

Josh turned 11 this year and we celebrated hard!  His birthday was on a Sunday this year so Josh asked if we could have Finish Pancakes (crapes) for breakfast.
We even stuck candles in his pancake and sang Happy Birthday to him.

After church, Josh was able to open his presents.  He is excited to be 11!

Getting bonked on the head and making wishes.

Jaxon was glad to take a turn to bonk without getting busted.

Josh got a yo-yo with a book of tricks and a sensor stick that he had been asking for.

After presents we went to Grandma and Grandpa White's house where both Josh and Kayden got to celebrate their birthday.

Josh had a birthday party on the Saturday before his birthday (after Kayden's party).  He decided to go to the Christa McAuliffe Space Center.  He and his friends were unsure about it all, but they had a great time!

Before heading to the Space Center, Josh and his friends had some pizza and Josh got to open the presents his friends brought to him.

Once we were at the Space Center, they had to undergo some training before they were able to go on their mission to space.

Here they are all set to go!

I got to watch them complete some of their mission.  I watched them on a screen that was in a little control room.  It was fun to watch them interact and make decisions.
Mission complete!  It was a fun birthday party and a fun weekend celebrating Josh's birthday!

11 Things We Love About Josh:
  1. He is always willing to help.  He especially loves to help his dad out in the yard.
  2. He works hard in school and loves math.
  3. He is a good friend.  He was just nominated by his class for the Hope Squad.  The class had to choose a person in their class that was the most trustworthy and a good friend to all for the Hope Squad.
  4. He is super animated.  I love the way his blue eyes sparkle and shine when he is excited or when he is laughing.
  5. He loves sports.  This year he played soccer, flag football and is now at the beginning of basketball season.  He especially loves that his dad is his coach.  He loves to watch sports too.  His little head is full of little bits of sports knowledge.
  6. He loves to be outside and being busy.  He is always with a friend doing something.
  7. He has recently shown a interest in playing the piano.  I have taught him a few things and he has asked to take piano lessons.  He will be starting lessons shortly.
  8. He loves to please people.  As much as I love it, it concerns me too.  Sometime he does something he doesn't really want to do just so he can please the person.
  9. I love Josh's tender heart.
  10. He strives to do what is right and to be a good example to others.  He doesn't like it when others are unkind and he won't to be around the unkind person anymore.
  11. His excitement to do things together as a family.  Whether it is going to a movie, a basketball game or other activity, Josh loves to be with his family.
Happy 11th birthday Josh!  We are so thankful for you and for who you are!

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