Saturday, November 12, 2016

Happy Birthday Kayden!

Kayden is in his last year of single digits at the ripe old age of 9!  We had a great weekend celebrating his birthday!

 He waited patiently all day for McKay to get home from work so that he could open his present.

 This boy loves his Legos!  He was so happy to get exactly what he wanted for his birthday--a Lego Star Wars Tie Fighter.

 He set to work right away and started building.  He had it completed before we knew it!

We finished off the weekend by celebrating both Josh and Kayden's birthday at Grandma White's house.  It was a fun weekend and we loved celebrating Kayden and his birthday!

9 Things We Love About Kayden
  1. He loves to give and receive hugs.  He is also a great snuggler and I love to watch movies with him on the couch!
  2. Despite his feistiness, he recognizes when he has made a mistake.  He has worked hard this year trying to right his wrongs.
  3. He loves to play with friends and we constantly have someone knock on our door looking to play with Kayden.
  4. He works hard in school and does very well.  His teachers love him and think he is amazing.  He loves to read and this year is participating in the Battle of the Books.  He has already read his assigned books and has read several others as well.
  5. He loves Legos and everything Legos.  He builds sets and builds his own creations.  He also enjoys playing Lego video games.
  6. He likes vegetables and is always wanting to try my healthier choices.  It is nice not to hear groaning when I put vegetables on his plate!
  7. His giggle.  I especially like to hear it coupled with that of his brother's laughs.
  8. He LOVES baseball.  He even hit his first home run this year!  He also likes to play flag football and basketball.
  9. Tacos.  This boy loves tacos!  I even took his out to lunch to Del Taco for his birthday!
Happy birthday Kayden!  I am so glad that you were sent to our family and that you will be my baby forever!

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