Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jaxon's Karate Advancement

So it was a weekend full of Karate events. Not only did we have the tournament, but Jaxon took his belt test last Thursday and received his new belt on Monday. He is now a yellow belt and has informed me that he is already preparing for his next belt. Jaxon is a hard worker and is WAY into karate (or any sport for that matter).

Jaxon performing during his test. This is him doing his form.

Jaxon had to show different kinds strikes and blocks.

The changing of the belt. The first time he wears his new belt, his instructor (Mrs. Burton) puts it on him.

Once he has his new belt, his other instructor (Mr. Burton) takes his old belt, ties it, and then places it on Jaxon's head. Way to go Jax!