Thursday, July 22, 2010

Roar For Orem High

I graduated from Orem High School class of 1993. Jeremy graduated from the same school class of 1991. They have torn down our old school and replaced it with a new one. Yes, my school was old, but I had many fond memories of those halls. The school held an open house to give people the opportunity to walk the halls one more time. Jeremy and I went to the open house and wandered the halls hand in hand (only because we could--since we didn't do it while we attended high school....well, we didn't know each other then).

The Orem High School fight song. Sadly, I never learned the whole thing. I knew the first line and then the last line. I added a lot of dadadas in the middle.

The auditorium. I performed many choir concerts here as did Jeremy. I also attended many band concerts and plays that friends performed in.

The choir room. This is where I hung out most of my Senior year. I was a choir geek. I have a lot of fun memories in this room. One being that we would turn the lights and sing "Go Ye Now In Peace". I have no idea how this tradition started, but they are still doing it today. There were a bunch of people crammed into the choir room the night of the open house and we did it for one last time. It was fun to be there and sing it with Jeremy.

The brick wall in the choir room where the REAL choir geeks were awarded with a brick to paint. They got to paint the brick how ever they would like to leave their legacy. I didn't get a brick...and I wasn't sad about it. It was fun to recognize names on the brick wall though.

The student lounge. I didn't do much hanging out here, but I remember my friend Kenny walking through it backwards one day because it was "Backwards Day". He walked backwards all day. He was a character.

My dad taught and coached at Orem High for several years before Mountain View was built. This was his class room. My dad was there the night of the open house, but I missed getting his picture in front of his old door.

The old gym. This is where I had PE my sophomore year. This is also the gym where Jeremy had inter mural basketball games. Apparently there are some good stories linked to this gym and Jeremy playing ball. He told me one on the night of an open house where a kid's dad got super mad at him and pulled him out of the game because the kid lost his temper. I think the kid tried to push Jeremy around some because Jeremy was having a good game.

The plans for the new high school. It looks like it will be pretty nice. It is set to be complete this and ready to go for this fall.

Good-bye my dear old school. You helped mold me into who I am today. Thank you.


  1. You didn't know all the words to our school song? Really? I think my English teacher made us memorize them my Freshman year. I can still sing it today. hehe

  2. Ms. Woodward made us learn the fight song in the first two weeks of freshman English. I've never forgotten it. I didn't get to go to the open house, but I've had many rehearsals in the little theater and the auditorium over the years, and I've been to the Syd Riggs Showcase. I thought I'd made my peace with the school being torn down (I'm still mad at Alpine School District for spending all that money in the early 90s to remodel and retrofit, only to tear it down and build a new one 17 years later) until I drove past it the other day. It was a bit of a shock to see it gone, but I'm glad the new school is nice and big and stable.

    Go Tigers!!

  3. Thanks for the nostalgic photo journal. . .Roar for Orem High!

  4. Hi Sara, (this is Darcee, McKay's friend, Chandler's mom) I stumbled onto your blog a while back and decided it was time to say hi! Cute blog, cute kids! (hope you don't mind I've taken a peek every now and again!)

    I have a question about one of your comments. . .this Ms. Woodward is that Kaye Woodward? If so, she now teaches at my alma mater, Preston High (Idaho) and is a huge asset to the school. I know she taught somewhere down here, she teaches English and I think she also coached cheer leading. Anyway, reading that comment made it a small world for me!

    Hope you don't mind I dropped by to say hi!

  5. Here I go "e-dropping" again. . .the conversation thread regarding Kaye Woodward makes me want to throw in yet another comment--she was my cheerleading advisor at OHS; that was back in the 70s. Are you kidding that she is STILL teaching? That is stamina!

  6. They are tearing down good old GHS (where Chris and I went)soon too! I hope they do an open house there as well. It would be fun to go back one last time.

  7. I am totally bawling right now. Thanks a lot Sara!
    Go ye now in peace friend.

  8. Thank you Sarah..... You have made my day!I wanted to say goodbye and couldnt due to the distance...
