Monday, November 5, 2012

Josh's Pinewood Derby

Now Josh isn't officially a scout. His 8th birthday isn't for another week or so. But our ward decided his birthday was close enough and invited him to participate in this year's Pinewood Derby.

Josh and his dad adding the finishing touches to his car.  They worked on it to make it look cool and race fast.

Josh giving us a thumb's up as he sat next to the race track to see how his car did.  His car got to race 6 times.  Most of the time his car took second but one time his car took first.  Overall his car took 6th out of 24 cars.  He was so excited!  He was fun to watch.

At the end of the race showing off his award ("Best Cartoon" because the name of his car was Drago) and his cool looking car.  Frankly, I think he looks so cute in his scout uniform.

Here are a couple of videos of the big night.  The first one is of Josh's car racing.  His car took first place in that heat.  I believe his car is in lane three (from the right).  The second video is of when he got to push the starting button to make the cars go.

It was a fun successful night.  Here is to the beginning of many more years to come for Josh in scouts!

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