Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lost (Literally) Tooth

We were eating breakfast the other morning when Kayden exclaimed, "Mom! I lost my tooth and I don't know when! I think I swallowed it!"  Upon further inspection, the tooth was missing--and it looked like it had been missing for a while:

See?  No blood or signs of a recent lost tooth.  (Bottom teeth, one over from the middle set.)  Indeed it was a mystery.

His cute new smile.

So because Kayden still wanted a visit from the tooth fairy, he composed the following note:

It reads, "Deer tooth faree, I am not shr when I lost my tooth.  I think I swolode it.  From Kayden"  Or the translation says, "Dear Tooth Fairy,  I am not sure when I lost my tooth.  I think I swallowed it.  From Kayden."  Sure enough, the tooth fairy visited Kayden's room and left him a nice dollar under his pillow.  The next night when I was tucking Kayden into bed I was telling him that he should make his bed everyday so dirt and dust doesn't get in his bed.  And I went to sweep a big piece of lint (or crumb) out of his bed when I heard, "WAIT!  I think that's my tooth!"  And there it was.  The mysteriously lost tooth in the middle of Kayden's bed.

Here he is with his missing tooth the next morning.  

Now, can I tell you how disappointed he was when the tooth fairy did not bring him another dollar after finding his missing tooth?

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