Thursday, September 10, 2009

State Fair....Or Not

We thought it would be a great idea to go up to the state fair this week with Grandma and Grandpa Haacke. So we drove up to the fair grounds only to discover that we were a week early! Instead of just returning home, we went and grabbed a bite to eat and then went over to Temple Square and took the kids through the Church Museum. We had a great time and enjoyed all the exhibits, especially the "I am a Child of God" exhibit and we learned a lot of neat things about church history.

McKay is in fourth grade this year and is studying Utah History. At the end of the year they are going on a hand cart trek. He was very interested in this hand cart. When asked what he would put in there to take with him he said, "The TV and Wii." Good luck plugging it in!

The boys and a replica of a large ship that sailed the saints over from Europe.

The sleeping quarters in the ship that sailed to America. The boys (Josh top, Kayden middle and McKay bottom) were pretending to be asleep. Well, Josh and McKay were pretending, Kayden was just happy to be there.

Grandpa Haacke in the "I am a child of God" exhibit. We played while he took a snooze.

Kayden and Josh driving their magnetic cars to church and to the temple.

Josh working on "CTR" shields in many different languages.

McKay built a temple using blocks.

They had costumes there to put on so that you can act out the Nativity Scene. Grandma, Kayden and Josh were wise men and shepherds, I was an angle and Jaxon was the narrator.

Kayden taking care of the babies in the nursery. He was giving this one a kiss.

He was giving this one "pats" or I guess you could say he was burping the baby.

The museum had a replica of the original pulpit from the tabernacle. Josh is delivering is message from the pulpit.

Jaxon then gave his speech.

Following by Preacher McKay.

In a different section of the museum, they have a duplicate pulpit of the one in the conference center that was made from Preident Hinckley's walnut tree. Jaxon, McKay, Josh, Grandma Haacke, Grandpa Haacke and Kayden by the pulpit.

McKay, Jaxon and Josh by the Angle Moroni. This Angle Moroni used to top a meeting house in Washington D.C. It is about two feet smaller than the Angle Moroni that tops the Salt Lake Temple.
We had a great time at the museum. The kids were a lot of fun and I learned a lot and saw a lot of things about the early history of the church, the settlement and building up of the Salt Lake Valley. So needless to say, we didn't go to the fair, but we had a great time at the Church History Museum. Stay tuned for a post about the fair. I think we are going to try and make it back there next week!


  1. The museum looks like it was a lot of fun! We'll have to try to take our kids up there soon...

  2. Hahaha... still laughing that you went to the fair a week early.

  3. You do such fun things with your boys; It may be too late to do these things with my sons now, but I'm taking copious notes to add to my "must-do with grandchildren" list.
