Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jaxon Is Baptized!

Jaxon was baptized at the American Fork Tabernacle yesterday. He was so excited, he said that he woke up early in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Finally the time came and Jaxon was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The whole day was very nice and memorable. Here are a few memories to share:

Jaxon and his dad just before Jaxon was baptized. I think both of them are quite handsome.

The White Family dressed all in white. (And I didn't even plan it that way.)

Jaxon with his dad and Uncle Brady. Jaxon asked his Uncle Brady to give a talk on baptism.

All the people that came to Jaxon's baptism. (Except Uncle Jason and Aunt Melodie's family--we didn't catch them before they left.) Jaxon had a lot of family, a lot of friends, his home teacher, and bishopric members at his baptism. There are so many people that love and care about Jaxon.

The boys with the Haacke cousins that made it to Jaxon's baptism. From left: McKay, Marissa, Jaxon, Alexa, Bryan, Josh, Lachlan, Samantha and Kayden.

This is our friend Marilyn that made Jaxon a cupcake tree for his baptism. She is so kind and giving and very talented with cakes. We loved the cupcakes she made for Jaxon. They had sports balls, Yoda rings, and Star Wars bouncy balls on the cupcakes. All of which are some of Jaxon's favorite things.

The cupcake tree completed. The top of the tree was a cake with a picture of Jaxon when he won his Karate trophies earlier this year. Very cool.

This is a day that I will not forget. It is one of those proud parent moments when you look at your children and have an insurmountable amount of love for them. I am grateful that Jaxon made the choice to be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. He is a great kid and we are very proud of him!


  1. It was a wonderful day! Thanks for including us.

  2. Love the pictures... thank you for posting! I think you look great in your family picture, and I'm fond of the cousins picture. And that cupcake tree... WOW! Wish I could've been there to share it with you all in person. I'm very proud of Jaxon... the boy he is and the young man he's becoming. Give him a big hug and kiss for me.

  3. Congratulations, Jaxon!

    I love the White family in white. Perfect.

    And the cupcake cake...wowzers. That is amazing!
