Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Day In the Life Of Josh

I was looking through my photos that haven't made it to our blog yet. These were too good to pass by. My sweet Joshua. Of course, these pictures aren't of just one day, but they are things that Josh does quite often, if not daily.

Here Josh is snuggling with our dog Suki. It doesn't get sweeter than this. (Say it with me now: "Ahhhhhh")

Here are some cute boys in the tub. Josh had a sleepover with his cousin Lachlan (left). The next morning we had a bubble bath and did spiky hair-dos.

Josh loves to help his dad. This was in November when they were putting up Christmas lights on the house. Josh thought it was pretty cool to be on the roof. Josh will also let you know when things need to get done. Come the end of February, he let his dad know that it was time to get on the roof again to get the lights off the house. I promise, I didn't put him up to it. But I was glad that he pointed it out.

Josh has a play group once a week and we rotate house. Here he and his friends created a "Wipe Out" course. They got the idea from a TV show they had seen. They had fun wiping out. I had fun watching them.

I took this one just the other day. I had to add it to this post. It shows his creativity. He took the Costco milk box and made himself a helmet. He drew pictures on it and wrote his name on it (in case he lost it in battle). Love this kid.


  1. There is just something about a little boy...totally the best!

  2. Cute pictures! Josh has such a cute personality to go with his charming good looks :).
