Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pinewood Derby 2010

We had a lot to live up to with this year's Pinewood Derby since McKay took first place last year. Jaxon is a Cub Scout now along with McKay so we had two cars to design, cut, sand, prime, paint, apply decals and stickers and do test runs with. We can call the year a success--both cars did well and Jaxon's car took first place!

McKay and Jeremy doing some last minute prep to the cars before signing them in. Once the cars were weighed in, there was no more adjustments, graphite additions or anything--just racing.

Jaxon placing his car on the track for his first heat.

McKay placing his car on the track for his second heat. He was in lane three this race, which we found out later was not the fastest lane. He also raced his car backwards (because his weights were in the back of his car) and we later found out that because of the track set up, his car would have been faster if he had raced it forwards. Things we learned for next year.

Jaxon's (left lane) and McKay's (middle lane) cars competing head to head in their first race.

Jaxon was awarded first place! Here he is pinning on his first place medal.

McKay receiving an award for his car: "Fastest Looking Car"

My future Pinewood Derby Racer. Kayden dug through the diaper bag at the end of the races until he found two cars that he could race on the track.

McKay with his award and his slick looking car. He painted it gold this year and added some "One Way" and "Yield" stickers to his car. His car was very sharp looking!

Here is Jaxon with his first place car. See that shiny medal pinned to his chest? That is his first place medal! Jaxon painted his car black this year and then put some flame decals on the sides of his car. He also added a cow crossing sticker to the front and a 65 mph sticker to the top.

At the end of the night they let it be known that we are the family to beat. Two first place cars in two years. Way to go Jaxon and McKay! (We will also add in a "Way to go Dad!" as he was with the boys every step of the way and helped the boys with all aspects of their cars. Thanks Dad!)


  1. I'd like to see Kayden's cars go up against his brothers'... :-)

  2. Aaa! I love the picture of Kayden racing his cars! I was always jealous of the boys doing Pinewood Derby, so I hope I have a boy of my own vicariously is almost as good, right? :)

  3. Okay, when it is time for Luke to race in the Derby I am for sure having Chris give Jeremy a call for some pointers!

    And I love that Kaden needed some cars and...Voila! They are in the diaper bag. We Mom's are amazingly prepared. :)

  4. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. . .reading/seeing your boys with all of their goings on is deja vu for me. Jr. Jazz, pinewood derby, creative crafts, etc. It all comes with boy territory, and I love it!

  5. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Seeing/reading of your boys' goings on is deja vu for me. Jr. Jazz, pinewood derby, creative crafts, etc. I love being plopped right in the middle of boy territory all over again.
