Saturday, August 1, 2015

New York/New Jersey Trip

For our family vacation this year we decided it was time to take the kids out east to see Aunt Caprice and Uncle Scott and the New Jersey cousins.  We decided to take the kids to Niagara Falls, to see some church history sites, see New York City and of course we had to see the Jersey Shore.  We had looked forward to this trip all summer and we had a great time.

Uncle Scott sent the boys a package a couple of weeks before our trip letting them know what we would be doing.  (See the below letter.)

He even sent them ID tags.  Each of the boys had their own.  Josh's is above.

July 24 we had a late flight out to Buffalo, New York.  Since we were going to be gone on my birthday, Jeremy and the boys got up early and decorated the house with some birthday fling as well as had presents for me and made me breakfast.  It was a good way to start the family vacation.

 Happy 40th to me!  (sniff, sniff)

Saturday, July 25: Niagara Falls

 We spent the first full day of our vacation touring Niagara Falls.  Jeremy and I had been there, but the boys were very curious to see it.  What a spectacular sight!

 Our first view of the falls on the United States side.

We went and took a ride on the Maid of the Mist boat.  Every where we went Jeremy and I held on to Josh and Kayden's hands.  McKay and Jaxon were feeling a little left out so they walked together with a "fist bump".  It made me smile.

 Riding the Maid of the Mist.  This was our favorite thing of the day.

 A view of the American Falls.
 Jaxon, Josh and Kayden with a view of the Canadian falls behind them.  It was breath taking!

McKay loving his poncho.

After  riding the boat, we had to wait in line for an elevator to take us back to the top of the falls.  This is how McKay and Jaxon entertained themselves:

You should have seen the looks the people were giving them as we were all waiting in line.  Mostly the looks were of disbelief.

After enjoying the American side of the falls, we took our passports and fulfilled Kayden's lifelong dream of going to Canada. 

 Doesn't Canada look SO inviting?  Nonetheless, Kayden was ready to go check it out!

Kayden had Canada Dry in Canada.  It is his favorite drink because it is from Canada.

 A view of both falls as we were walking a long the river on the Canadian side.

 Canada definitely has the more beautiful of the falls.  We enjoyed admiring them.

 Josh and Kayden taking a rest from the long walk from America.

Jeremy loved taking panoramic pictures with his iPhone.  He couldn't get enough of the beauty!

 Jeremy using his phone to take panoramic pictures.  He took so many of them that I had to sneak one of him taking pictures of the falls. 

This is the video picture he was taking when I took his picture.

Josh right at the edge of it all.  That sure is a lot of water!

McKay and his teasing ways.  He kept taking pictures all day with no one in them and texting them off to Grandma Haacke.  He knows that she wanted to see pictures of us while on vacation and so he decided to tease her by sending her pictures and telling her what we were up to, but no one was in the picture.  This picture above is us "walking back to the car now".

That visit to Canada really wiped this kid out!
Sunday, July 26: Palmyra Church History Sites

On Sunday we went to church in Rochester first thing in the morning.  It was a great service and we were able to hear the mission present and one of his counselors  speak.  Right after sacrament meeting we changed our clothes and went to Palmyra to see the Joseph Smith home, the Sacred Grove as well as other historical sites there.

 Here we are in front of the Joseph Smith home that his brother Alvin built for the family.

Taking inventory of the farm tools that the Smith family may have used at the barn on the Smith farm.

Our family in the Sacred Grove.  It all began here with a simple prayer.  What a truly beautiful, sacred place.  So glad that we could be there together as a family.

The "fist bump" since Jeremy and I were holding Josh and Kayden's hands.  I loved watching these two walk together in the sacred grove.

Oh How Lovely Was the Morning!

After visiting the Sacred Grove we went and visited the Hill Cumorah.

At the top of the Hill Cumorah with an Angle Moroni monument. 
We then drove into town to visit the site where the Book of Mormon was published for the fist time. 

While at the printing office, these turkeys tried to all fit on one small bench.  Kayden was quite squished.
Jaxon learned what all had to take place to publish a book in the 1800s.  He helped fold and crease a section of the Book of Mormon.  Then we were able to see one of the original copies of the Book of Mormon that was printed in the very publication shop we were in.
We were also able to visit Alvin Smith's grave and also the Martin Harris home while we were in Palmyra.

Monday, July 27: Palmyra Temple, Peter Whitmer Farm and Driving to New Jersey
On Monday morning McKay, Jaxon and I were able to go and perform baptisms for the dead at the Palmyra temple.  It is something that I will never forget and a wonderful way to celebrate my birthday.  I loved being in the temple with my boys.  McKay had found 37 names on  that needed temple work done.  26 of these names needed baptisms and we performed these baptisms that morning at the Palmyra temple.  McKay was quite the rock star among the temple workers there.  They were impressed and amazed that he was the one that had researched and found the names for temple ordinances.
 Patiently waiting outside of the temple.  Such good boys!

 After finishing the baptisms and confirmations.  Families are forever!

On our drive to New Jersey, we took a small detour to the Peter Whitmer farm.  Much of the Book of Mormon was translated there and also the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints took place there.

The Peter Whitmer home.

After a long day of driving we finally reached Scott and Caprice's house.  It was so good to see them and all the New Jersey cousins.  They were so sweet and had a birthday cookie to help me celebrate my birthday.

Kayden loved hanging out with Uncle Scott and playing Uncle Scott's slot machines.

Tuesday, July 28: Hanging out at Caprice and Scott's

Tuesday was a low key day and we just hung out and swam in the pool.  It was so nice to relax!  We also went to the mall and shopping at JCPenny where Caprice works.  The boys were thrilled to go shopping for clothes while on vacation.

Kayden loved to sleep on the couch each night.  Doesn't he look nice and comfy?
Kayden and his famous back-flops.  This one was filmed in slow motion.
Uncle Scott's famous prizes.  This time the boys had to choose out of a jar what their prize would be.  There was money in there, bouncy balls, flash lights and all kinds of things in there.  Scott would bring out the jar a couple of times a day and let the boys choose.
Wednesday, July 29: New York City

 We had a great time visiting New York City.  Caprice and Sara came with us and we loved spending the day with them.  We tried to cram in as much as possible in one day.  We did a LOT of walking!  We started out the day by taking the ferry from New Jersey's Liberty Park to the Statue of Liberty.

 Riding on the ferry over to the Statue of Liberty.  It was a beautiful ride with great view of Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and of Freedom Tower and downtown New York.

The picture on the left is probably one of my favorite pictures of the whole trip.  I love the look on Josh's face as he has his head stuck up Lady Liberty's nose.  Kayden of course was being silly as well by sticking his finger in her nose.  The picture on the right is to show you just how big Lady Liberty's toes really are.

Left is Caprice, McKay, Me, Josh, Jaxon, Sara and Kayden in front of the original torch that was replaced in 1985.  To the right is just seeing how majestic Lady Liberty really is.

The view from the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty with the boys.
 After visiting the Statue of Liberty, we rode the ferry over to New York City.  On the way there, we learned that Jeremy's brother Todd had passed away the night before.  It was a little shocking to hear and it took Jeremy some time to let it sink in and also to get a hold of his parents so he could find out what happened.  We stopped at Battery Park so Jeremy could talk to his parents in peace.

Josh, McKay, Kayden, Jaxon and Sara at Battery Park by the sphere that used to stand between the Twin Towers before the 9/11 attacks.
We then walked to the financial district to see the 9/11 Memorial and to see Freedom Tower up close.  
Walking from Battery Park to the World Trade Center.
 We loved being at the memorial.  It was such a peaceful, beautiful place.  It was just what we needed after learning about the death of Jeremy's brother.
 In front of the 9/11 Memorial South Pool.  Such detail and thought went into the memorial.  You forgot the noise of the city as you reflected on that day and all the lives that were lost.

Josh looking at the North Pool and then looking up into Freedom Tower.  It kind of got lost up in the sky and sunshine.
We then took a ride on the Subway to go and see Madison Square Garden and the Empire State Building.  Since the wait was much too long to go up the Empire State Building, we decided to go and get some lunch at John's at Time Square.
As we walked through Time Square we saw the New Year's Ball and was relieved to see it was still the year 2015.

I have been telling the boys about this pizza place since my visit to New York City with my mom and sisters back in 2010.  Getting pizza at John's was the #1 thing to do on McKay's list.

The boys agreed with me.  It was some of the best pizza they had ever had.  Yum!  The setting was pretty great too.  This pizza place is inside of an old church.  The stain glass window and architecture was spectacular.  We told Kayden that New Yorkers fold their pizza when they eat it so he decided to fold his (top middle).  Not quite the same thing.

After lunch we did some more walking.  We walked to NBC studios and Rockefeller Center.

 We are big fans of Jimmy Fallon!

 Kayden found his favorite Minion Stuart inside NBC Studios.

Rockefeller Center.  The boys didn't see what the big deal was about this place until I started naming several movies that were filmed here along with telling them about the famous ice rink and Christmas tree that is there in the winter.

We then walked over to the Lego store, went shopping for some souvenirs, checked out the NBA store and then over to Grand Central Station where we hopped on the Subway to get back to the ferry.  Sadly, we learned that we couldn't board the ferry we wanted to at that dock, so we walked along the river's edge to where we could board the ferry for home.  All in all we walked over 7 miles that day!

Thursday, July 30: The Jersey Shore

We were able to spend some time swimming at the beach with the whole Cobb clan on Thursday.

 Being silly at the beach on the Boardwalk.

Tyler, Shane, Becca and Scott all took the day off to hang out with us.  It was a beautiful day.  Kayden and I spent much of our beach time looking for and collecting cool shells.  Everyone enjoyed playing in the water.  They we went and got some New York style pizza for lunch.

The slices of pizza were huge!  But the boys loved it and we had no problem finishing off a whole pie!
After lunch we strolled down the boardwalk to an arcade to spend the money the boys got from Uncle Scott's prize jar and to play some games.
Jaxon was the luckiest kid I know.  He won over 2000 tickets hitting it big playing some ball drop game.  All the Cobbs gave us their tickets and the boys combined their tickets and let Jaxon take the lion's share to trade them in for a Spurs hat.  Jaxon was very excited.  The bottom right picture is of Jaxon, McKay and Kayden checking out the funny mirrors inside an arcade.  We all had such at great time at the Jersey Shore!

Friday, July 31: One last morning of relaxation before flying home in the afternoon.

We had a late flight out of Philadelphia so we spent the morning and early afternoon swimming and relaxing at Caprices house.  They boys cleaned Uncle Scott's prize jar and split the remaining prizes--all except the cash which Uncle Scott held on to for next time.  Uncle Scott even pulled a fast one on the boys when he showed them the cash that was left in the jar.  He slipped some $100 bills in there to let the boys think that it had been a possibility for them to be able to pull one from his jar.  The boys couldn't believe it and were so disappointed that they didn't pull one out.  Haha!  Joke was on them.

It was a great vacation with lots of memories.  We love our New Jersey family and were so glad that we could go and visit them along with all the many other sites in New York.

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