Joshua loves trains, Thomas included! Thomas came to town, via the Heber City Railroad, so we went for a ride and enjoyed some activities. Grandma Haacke came with us and we had a good time, just the four of us! (McKay and Jaxon were at school and Jeremy said he would rather have a day
without Thomas.)
Josh and Thomas, just as we were waiting our turn for a ride.
Riding Thomas the Train. The boys enjoyed the ride very much!
Josh getting a balloon animal tied for him. He wanted a monkey balloon. The man handed Josh the banana for the monkey while he tied the rest of the balloon. Josh thought that was cool.
Joshua holding his finished monkey balloon and Kayden holding his dog balloon.
They had a tent set up outside the train station with several tables of trains and track. Josh looked diligently and patiently until he was able to find all the trains and cars he wanted to play with. It was tough to convince him to move on to the next activity. He loves playing with trains.
Kayden had his fun, too.
"Mom, can't you see I am busy having fun???"
Kayden loved playing with the big bubble blowers and the sidewalk chalk.
Kayden was flinging bubbles every where and occasionally would draw a line here or there on the pavement. It was a great day and we had a good time making memories with the boys, and Thomas of course.
Man, I wish we could've been there with you... Camron would've loved this (everything about it).