Tuesday, March 1, 2011

McKay's New Smile

It all happened so fast! We went to go see our orthodontist Dr. Nord for a consultation yesterday and got braces today! Here is McKay's new smile:

He put blue and white bands on his teeth to show his BYU spirit for March Madness.

McKay wasn't exactly thrilled that I was taking his picture and threatened certain death if I posted any pictures on our blog. So if I don't post again, you know I am six feet under.


  1. Too bad that BYU spirit didn't do much for the team. Boo BYU. Yay McKay!

  2. Nice color choice. Pretty sure my Grace will follow suit when she gets hers! :)

    Your boys are getting so big. I can't believe it!

  3. He looks great in braces! I am sure braces are in our near future too... I'll have to get the details from you.
