Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pinewood Derby 2011

It's that Cub Scout time of year again, the annual Pinewood Derby. Last year Jaxon took first place and the year before McKay took first place. The Pinewood Derby has been kind to our family, which put a big target on our back for this year. We were feeling the pressure. Jaxon designed his car and Jeremy cut it out for him. They both sanded it, painted it, weighed it and so on. Then the paint began to dry and well--it crackled. So the derby boys decided to re-do the paint job. Jeremy put a coat of paint on it late one night and decided it needed help drying. So he set the oven to 500 and put the car inside. I was asleep on the couch and started smelling something awful. It turned out that putting your derby car in a hot hot oven is not a good idea. So the paint job started over once again. It was all last minute, but it got done. Jaxon placed stickers on it the morning of the derby and put his car on the fridge. Then it was time for breakfast and we opened the fridge--and the derby car rolled off the fridge with a big crash to the floor. What else could possibly go wrong?? Upon inspection, we discovered that one of the nails that the wheel was on got bent but it was too late to do anything about it. The race must go on! Jaxon's car did worse each time it raced, but in the end he won FIRST PLACE!! He continued racing the car just for fun at the end of the night and his car kept losing because that back wheel just kept getting more and more wobbly. (I could see the wheels turning the in the heads of the dad's who's cars won second, third and fourth wondering how Jaxon won first place.)

Jaxon's car is the yellow one. This was the final race between first and second. Jaxon was quite proud his car won.

Here Jaxon is getting his first place patch. He was raising his arms up telling the crowd to cheer louder. (He wasn't a very gracious winner--he could use some help in that area.)

Here is the winner with his prize winning car, his first place patch and a certificate (his car also won best scout theme). I don't think there is a prouder kid out there. Way to go Jaxon!

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