Thursday, June 7, 2012

End of Year Awards

McKay received a couple of awards at the end of the school year in the awards assembly.  He earned the "Freedom Falcon" award by doing a long list of extra things. (Participate in the science fair, earn a physical fitness award, he memorized all the European countries and capitals, had to do 100 multiplication facts in under three and a half minutes and get 100%, do the NOVA challenge, type 30 wpm with no errors, read 156 wpm fluently, read at least 10 books that are over 150 pages, publish 8 personal writings, attend 6 out of 8 preparation parties, and get 100% on at least 10 handwriting sheets--what a list!)
He received a cool trophy and big candy bar.  McKay also received the award for the fastest typer in his class at 49 wpm with no errors.  On the last day of school he also received the award for "Most Likely to become a Doctor".  He is one smart cookie and I am proud of him.
Jaxon also received an award on the last day of school.  He earned the title of "Laughing Hyena: Often found rolling on the floor clutching his stomach"  He is a funny kid and made a lot of friends this year with his fun personality.
Josh also received an award this year.  He had perfect attendance for the whole year!  Way to go guys!


  1. wow! u should be proud! way to go mckay! that is totally awesome all the stuff he accomplished!!
    congrats mom!

  2. YAY! Your blog let me comment. I'm so excited! Or...maybe I am not having a spaz-moment, like usual. ;)

    Your boys are the coolest and you have such a great family!

  3. I'd be happy to support Dr. White, Part II! And can I just tell you what a fantastic dentist ol' Jeremy is? Honestly, having gone to the same dentist my entire life and now switching to Jeremy makes me realize what I've been missing--thanks for sharing him!
