Saturday, June 2, 2012

Uncle-Wan Scott 'Obi

We are a little excited around here--Uncle Scott is coming for a visit!  (He is coming to get some dental work done.)  The boys each received a package in the mail today from Uncle Scott containing puzzle pieces that they had to combine to make a message.  We had to wait all day for McKay to get home so he could open his package.  We were all anticipating McKay's return so we could put the puzzle together and read the secret message.

The boys each had an envelope addressed to them Star Wars style.  We like Star Wars at our house.

Uncle Scott included the picture of the puzzle, but we thought putting together the side with the message was easier--plus we were too anxious to see what it said!

The completed message.  The picture makes it a little difficult to read so I will decode it for you:

"Urgent message from the Jedi Council for Youngling K-den, Padawan Jo-shua,  Knight J'axon and Knight McK-ay.  Your knowledge of The Force is impressive.  You have done well to discover this secret message!  You have been summoned to a secret meeting next week on the Planet Highland in the Utah System.  Count Jeremy and Countess S'ara will pick the date and time of this meeting.  Prepare yourself to learn the ancient secret of the 12 crusts as first discovered by Pizza the Hutt.  Jedi Master Uncle-Won Scott 'Obi will oversee your training.  Prepare your mind stomach for the challenge ahead.  Beware of the Dark Side!  May The Force be with you!  Uncle-Wan Scott 'Obi"

In other words, let's go get some pizza!  We are excited to have him come spend a couple of days with us--even if his mouth is numb for a good part of the time.  The boys are preparing their minds and stomachs (doesn't take much) so they will be able to down as much pizza as possible at the local all you can eat pizza place.  The Force will be ever with us!

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