Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Running is Nuts

We all set goals.  Some goals are crazier than others.  Running 13.1 miles is a crazy goal.  I had no excuse this year when Jeremy asked me if I would like to run the Timpanogos Half Marathon.  So I agreed.  We started running in the early spring and I couldn't even run one mile without dying.  I decided I really needed to push myself and run anyway.  I convinced myself that I wasn't going to die.  Soon I was running a mile without stopping, and then two.  Finally I was able to run three miles which means I could begin my half marathon training.  At this time, I ran in the Blood Run with some good friends of mine.  I love these ladies:

 Me, Raylyn, Camie and Lisa

I ran the whole 3.1 miles, but it was on a dirt path, which I had never done before.  It proved harder than I thought it would be.  Nonetheless, I continued on with my training.  Our training consisted of running a couple of smaller runs (3-4 miles) a couple of times a week and then a longer run on the weekend.  I was amazed with myself as my miles increased.  When I reached five miles I thought I was something else!  Before I knew it, one weekend I ran 8 miles.  I thought my legs were going to turn to jello.  That same run I learned about Body Glide as I had experienced some serious chafing.  I also learned a thing or two (thanks to some friends) about running attire.  If you want to feel and be a runner, you need to look like a runner.  So I ordered some running clothes.  Over the next few weeks, our training took us up to ten miles and I was able to do it without stopping.  Jeremy and I declared ourselves ready for the race:

The starting line.  We had to be at the finish line at 4:00 in the morning to board a bus to take us up the American Fork Canyon to the starting line.  It was early, dark and cold.

I talked my two new friends Tiera and Kari (who were already runners and my running attire coaches) into running the race too.  We did some running together during our training.  I also ran the first seven miles of the race with Tiera (in light blue).

This wonderful product called Prev (above) was a gift from Tiera for my birthday (which was the day before the race).  I was seriously concerned about my GI track and feared needing a bathroom and not having one during the race.  Taken 30 minutes before a run, this stuff will help your GI track and help you to not have problems.  I was willing to try it and Tiera tried it with me.  The stuff worked great and my stomach was fine the whole race.  It was a very thoughtful gift as Tiera knew how stressed out I was about my stomach.

Oh the finish line.  I couldn't have been happier to see it!  I ran the whole race minus the last hill.  I struggled through miles 11 and 12 (why oh why did I not eat the rest of my energy jelly beans??), but I made it.  It was a little harder than I thought it would be.  I was also surprised at how sore I was the afternoon after the race and the few days following the race.  I am glad to be finished with the training and the race itself.  I have continued running a few times a week, but I haven't ran any longer than four miles.  It has taken a few runs before my legs didn't hurt, but I feel great running now.  I just need to keep finding my motivation and desire.  Let me know if you see either of them anywhere.


  1. congrata girl! i so need to get on the bandwagon after this baby comes! i have a long ways to go! thanks for sharing in ur awesome running abilities!!

  2. You are amazing! I loved running behind you in the BloodRun :). Next year I will run the whole thing, really! And I will refer to this post for tips when I get past 5K and need to have some serious runner tips. I will get there!
