Monday, August 13, 2012

Martin's Cove

My parents have been serving a Mission up at Martin's Cove the last few months. They left in April and will be back in the middle of October. We have missed them terribly but couldn't be prouder of their service. We went up to visit them after our trip to the Tetons to see where they are staying, to see all the work that they do each day, and to spend some time with them.  We got there on a Sunday afternoon.  We got to eat lunch with all the missionaries when we first arrived.  Then we went back to Missionary Village to see where they have been living the last few months (they have been staying in their trailer) and to meet some of their friends.  Once the visitor's center closed that evening, my parents took us out on the rovers to see the sites.  It was awesome to see the sites and hear the stories that go along with them.

Here we are at the Sweet Water crossing.  There were three statues to represent the three men that helped the handcart pioneers across the river in the bitter temperatures.  The statues also represent the Aaronic Priesthood.  It was nice for McKay to make that connection.

Martin's Cove where the pioneers took refuge from the storms that were pounding them.  There is a special feeling in the cove.  I cannot even imagine all that was endured there.

On Monday morning we went out to Independence Rock.  We climbed to the top and looked out all around the valley.  It was fun being with Grandma and Grandpa.

We walked all the way around Independence Rock and were able to see many of the names of the travelers that had passed through there.

We went back to the visitor's center for the official tour.

After our tour, we pulled a handcart over to Devil's Gate trail head.  The boys thought pulling the handcart was fun.  (The whole couple hundred of yards.)

Kayden even pushed the handcart.....

.....for about three minutes.  Then he hopped in the back and went for a ride.

Devil's Gate.  We had a good time wading through the water and having fun with Grandma and Grandpa.  We were told the legend of Devil's Gate and Kayden was looking for the "beast" the whole time.  He was a little disappointed when he didn't see it.

On the way out of Devil's Gate, we were greeted by the ranch horses.  (The Church uses the property to ranch when it isn't trekking season.)  They walked right up to us wanting to be pet and patted.

My dad giving a horse some love.

Josh giving some gentle pats.  The horses wouldn't leave me alone.  They really liked me--or they really liked the backpack I was carrying full of food.  Either way it was fun to be surrounded by the horses.

It was a great trip to Wyoming to see my parents.  It was hard to say good-bye to them, but we will see them again soon.  It was fun to see Martin's Cove, the sites there and to spend some time with my parents and the missionaries.


  1. I enjoyed this post and the pictures. It's fun to see Mom and Dad's surroundings and the places they talk about.

  2. I really miss seeing your parents at the temple, so it's good to know they're doing well and having fun!

  3. what a neat trip! loved hearing about the horses too!!!

  4. Wow... can you tell that I've been away from blogging for a long time? Loved all of these photos... this post brought back memories of our trek way back in '05. Your parents look like they are naturals there! I am so glad you got to go and see them during their mission.
