Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of School 2012

School is upon us again. We had a great summer and now it is time to get back into the routine of school. McKay started Jr. High this year. The seventh graders went to a half day of school for orientation on Monday.  So he started one day sooner than everyone else.

McKay went to school that day with a few of his buddies from our ward.  McKay grew a lot this summer.  He towers over his friends.

Josh is in second grade this year and Jaxon is in fifth grade.  They love riding their bikes to school and they both had a great first day.

Kayden and I stayed home together all day as he was sick and throwing-up.  Poor guy.  He was miserable the whole day.  His year can only get better from here.  He doesn't start school for another week or so but is excited to go.  (He keeps asking me how many more sleeps until school.)

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