Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Tetons

We went up to Wyoming for a family vacation this year. We had two parts to our vacation. The first part was a trip to the Tetons. It was beautiful there and we had a wonderful time hiking, boating, enjoying the scenery and being together without distractions (such as the Wii and TV).  We stayed in a small little cabin just outside of the Tetons in a tiny place on the map called Moran.  Just outside our cabin there were great hiking trails and beautiful look outs.

On our first night there we hiked along a ridge that over looked Buffalo River.

There were beautiful wild flowers of all colors.  It was breath taking.

Kayden, Josh and I brought up the rear.  The sun was just starting to set as we returned from our hike.  The boys even found walking sticks as they went along.  They also found stick swords, stick guns and stick wands.  (See?  We don't need TV or Wii to have fun!)

Jaxon, Kayden and I went back to the cabin while Jeremy, Josh and McKay continued a little further on.  They just could not get enough of the beauty in the area.

The next day, we went hiking by Jenny Lake.  We took a ferry across the lake and then hiked up a half mile to this beautiful waterfall (above) called Hidden Falls.

Kayden thought we were done hiking and was happy and all smiles.  We did take a small rest but then continued on another half mile up some rocky terrain to a lookout point.

Kayden did not like this hike at all.  He cried most of the way up and was mad that we wouldn't carry him.  (The kid is a tank!)  When we finally reached the top and wanted to take a picture, the only thing he would do is throw daggers at the camera with his eyes.

Jeremy jumped into the next picture and still, Kayden would not give the camera the time of day.  He was grumpy.  But the view was great!

Some of the wild life.  The animals were so used to people feeding them that they would basically sit in your lap.  One chipmunk nearly stole a granola bar right out of Kayden's hand.  This one thought Jeremy had a snack and nearly bit his finger.

A view of the mountains and Jenny Lake.  Kayden is happy now because we had just told him it was time for lunch!

After lunch we rented a boat and went for a ride on Jackson Lake.  It was very relaxing after hiking all morning.  Aren't those mountains amazing?

We parked the boat for a bit and went for a swim.  The boys had a good time jumping off the boat.  Josh was the first one in (after Jeremy) and loved it.

Jaxon diving on in.

McKay doing a cannon ball.  Kayden jumped in too, but my camera missed him.  Once was enough for Kayden.

While heading back in the marina Jeremy let the boys take a turn driving.  McKay is at the wheel above while Kayden is having a snack and Josh is being silly.

Jaxon on Jackson Lake with the beauty of the mountains behind him.

Jaxon taking a turn at the wheel.

Kayden playing in the water at the marina.

After boating at Jackson Lake, we went for a drive to try and find some bears.  We were unsuccessful, but we did come upon some beautiful views.

Proof that my boys DO love each other.  Here is McKay and Jaxon sleeping in our cabin.

We loved the Tetons and were glad that we got to spend a few days there.  Now that we are familiar with the area, we know more what we would like to do the next time we go there.  We also learned that Josh needs to sit in the front of the car while winding through the mountain roads.  We had to pull over to let him throw-up due to car sickness.  While on the side of the road with Josh, we had two more boys jump out to water a bush.  I can only imagine what passer-bys thought of us.  It was a great memorable trip!

Below find some photography by McKay.  He took many pictures during all our hikes of the scenery.  He got some great shots and I thought I would share a few:

Beautiful, am I right?  The kid has got some talent.

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